Games Alphabetical Index
Around the House Game 22 Sums and differences that equal 10 or less
Racing Bears Game 2 +0, 1, 2
Doubles BINGO Game 6 Doubles (sums)
Erase Game 9 Combinations of 10
The Factor Game Game 36 Division (finding factors)
First to 20 Game 24 Sums and differences within 20
Four in a Row Game 16 Sums within 20
Lucky 13 Game 11 Sums within 20 (and differences from 13)
Multiplication Pathways Game 31 Foundational multiplication facts
Multiplication Salute Game 38 Multiplication and division facts
Rectangle Fit Game 35 Break apart, commutativity
Salute Game 19 Sums and differences within 20
Softball Hits Game 41 All four operations
Squares Bingo Game 30 Squares
Strive to Derive Game 33 Adding and subtracting a group
Subtraction Stacks Game 21 Differences of 5 or less
Sum War Game 12 Sums within 20
Three Dice Take Game 42 All four operations
Trios Game 27 5s facts