Game 19: Salute

Chapter 3. Derived Fact Strategies for Addition and Subtraction

Targeted Facts: All four operations

Using Salute for Math Fact Fluency:

  • Addition is generally easier than subtraction for many students.
  • An excellent way to practice the Think Addition strategy is through the game Salute.
  • Think Addition is an effective strategy in which students approach learning subtraction facts by thinking of related addition facts.
  • One way to help students see the connection between known addition facts and subtraction facts is to practice generating "fact families" starting with the subtraction fact and inviting students to offer the related addition facts.
  • Recording the fact families as students play reinforces the connection between addition and subtraction.

Word versions of the documents are included so that you can modify the game to fit your students.

Download and print these documents at full size or print at 80% to trim and store in a gallon reclosable zipper storage bag.

Teacher Document:

Student Document:

Online Resources: