Game 12: Sum War

Chapter 3. Derived Fact Strategies for Addition and Subtraction

Targeted Facts: Sums within 20

Using Sum War for Math Fact Fluency:

  • Derived fact strategies for addition and subtraction require a focus on strategy selection and flexibility.
  • Foundational facts must precede derived facts. Students use the foundational facts they have mastered to develop derived fact strategies for addition and subtraction.
  • Assess students for automaticity with foundational facts to determine readiness for derived fact strategies.
  • Near Doubles, Making 10, and Pretend a Ten are accessible, commonly used, and powerful strategies students may use during Sum War.

Word versions of the documents are included so that you can modify the game to fit your students.

Download and print these documents at full size or print at 80% to trim and store in a gallon reclosable zipper storage bag.

Teacher Document:

Student Document:

Online Resources: