KAMTE Spring 2021 Pre-Service Teachers Conference

KAMTE Spring 2021 Pre-Service Teachers Conference
Friday, February 26, 2021
9:00 am - 3:30 pm EST
Free Registration Here
Registration Deadline: February 21, 2021

KAMTE is excited to host the second KAMTE Pre-Service Teacher Conference. This conference will address needs and concerns of pre-service mathematics teachers, offering inspiring sessions by experts in mathematics teacher education.

Conference Schedule

9:00 - 9:15 Opening Session (Cheryll Crowe Johnson, Asbury University)
9:15 - 10:15 Family Engagement in K-12 Schools (Edna Schack, Morehead State University)
10:15 - 10:30 Coffee Break/Transition Time (offline)
10:30 - 11:00 Pre-Service Teacher Poster Session (facilitator - Bethany Noblitt, NKU)
11:00 - 12:00 Technology for Teaching K-12 (Funda Gonulates, NKU & KCM & Sarah Kasten, NKU)
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch (offline)
1:00 - 2:30 Modeling in the Mathematics Classroom (K-5 Session – Jennifer Suh, George Mason University & 6-12 Session – Bethany Noblitt, NKU)
2:30 - 2:45 Coffee Break/Transition Time (offline)
2:45 - 3:15 Networking and Conversation (facilitators - Kanita Ducloux, WKU & Molly Williams, Murray State University)
3:15 - 3:30 Closing Session (Cheryll Crowe Johnson, Asbury University)

If you have any questions about the KAMTE Pre-Service Teacher Conference, please email KAMTE President, Cheryll Johnson at Cheryll.Johnson@asbury.edu

Poster Session

KAMTE invites you, as pre-service mathematics teachers, to submit a proposal to present a poster that highlights any of your research or learning in your teacher education program. Research may include undergraduate research projects or action research in which you have participated. Haven’t participated in research? Present on effective teaching strategies, good teacher moves, motivating tasks for students, or anything else you have learned about that you think others should learn about too!

Examples of past posters presented by pre-service teachers are available for you to look at as you consider your own poster proposal.

To submit a poster for presentation, send the following information to Bethany Noblitt, KAMTE Past President, at noblittb@nku.edu: Name(s), academic institution, faculty sponsor, poster title and abstract.