Family Math Fun


KNPIG ID #S 2204.0

What's this activity about?

This activity is a great way for kids to learn how to match quantities and numerals one to five. 

What materials do we need?

"Match!" Game sheet, sheet protector, wipe off markers
Place game sheet inside the sheet protector so you can use it again, or just use different colored game pieces on the plain sheet of paper


How do we play?

Get the “Match” game sheet and markers. Let your child choose X or O. Count down together- 3, 2, 1, GO! Race to mark as many pairs of numerals and an equal five frame with either your X or O. Work until every square has been used. The winner is the player with the most squares marked.

OR- Your child can work independently to see how fast they can find all the pairs. Then they can play again to beat their time.

Where’s the Math?

There is a lot of math in this game that goes along with what kids are learning in school. Kindergarteners are practicing ways to make five. They are also learning how to read and recognize numerals and be able to recognize each of those numerals represent a unique quantity. Your child follows developmental stages when learning how to read, from the introduction of letter sounds, then how those sounds fit together to form simple words and how words fit together to form sentences before they are fluent readers. Just like learning how to read, learning which numerals represent which quantities supports developmental learning paths and will help them learn more easily as they move forward.

Things to Think About:

As you use this activity with kids, remember to BE PATIENT. Sometimes it’s hard to not help them along if they are having a hard time finding pairs. There may be a lot of guessing at first.  If they continue to guess and hope they get a match, try talking about the pairs. As students find pairs they will see how numerals and quantities go together and even begin matching without counting the dots on the cards. 


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