Family Math Fun

"How Much? (1 to 5)"

KNPIG ID #Ni 1119.0

What's this activity about?

You and your child will be matching numerals and quantities in order to make a line. You can print out dot cards or use a standard die to roll a quantity and then cover the numeral on the game board with your marker. The goal is to cover three numerals in a row with your counters. Have Fun! 

What materials do we need?

Tic Tac Toe Board filled with numerals one through five
Two sets of dot cards one through five(A standard die with dots one through six can be used in place of dot cards. If a child rolls six, they will re-roll.)
Counters of two colors (one for each player)


How do we play?

Shuffle the dot cards and place them in a pile facedown. You and your child will take turns choosing the top card from the pile. On a turn place a marker on the matching numeral on the tic tac toe board. Try to cover the board!

Where’s the Math?

There is a lot of math your child is learning in school that goes along with this game. Your child is learning how to match quantities to numerals. It is important for your child to understand that the numeral is not just something we learn how to write, but that it represents how much, or a value. It is very important for your child to know the number names and be able to apply them to quantities. This will be helpful when learning about place value in the future

Things to Think About:

When working with children it is important to remember to be patient. It is hard not to help them at first, but it is important for them to figure out how to do this on their own. When your child first starts figuring out the numeral that matches the dots on the card or die, your child may count each dot one by one. This is OK at first, but your child should develop recognition strategies to help them identify the quantity without counting one by one. If your child is having trouble matching up numerals to the quantity, your child may need help with number recognition. Review the numbers with the numeral cards and by counting on fingers to match the numeral.


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